
• Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering.

• Inorganic Chemistry.

• Physical Chemistry.

• Machine, Aggregates and Processes (Food Industry).

• Automation and Process and Production Management (Industry).

• Technology and Processing of Polymers and Composites.

•Technology for Processing, Storing and Processing Cereals, Pulses, Cereals, Horticultural Products and Grape Growing.

• Meat, Dairy, Fish and Refrigeration Technology.

• Biotechnology of Foodstuffs and Active Biological Agents.

• Food Processing Processes and Apparatus.

• Technology and Marketing of Food, Functional and Specialized Products and Catering.

• Economics and National Economy.




1. Application to the head of the educational institution and the organization implementing post-graduate educational programmes.

2. A personal personnel record sheet certified by the Personnel Office at the workplace.

3. Autobiography - short information on yourself (date and place of birth, education, work experience, marital status) and next of kin (name, surname of spouse/husband and children, year of birth, occupation and place of residence; for unmarried persons, same information about parents and siblings).

4. Copies of the higher education diploma and the accompanying excerpt from the examination certificate, or a copy of the diploma attesting to the receipt of education equivalent to the first level of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, a list of the studied disciplines and their marks (points).

5. Copies of the master’s diploma and the accompanying excerpt from the examination certificate or a copy of the certificate of education equivalent to the second level of higher education in the Republic of Belarus with an indication of the studied disciplines and the marks (points) obtained therefrom.

6. A copy of the Certificate of Candidacy (Advanced Examinations) and Candidate’s Examinations in General Education.

7. A recommendation by a scientific council (council) or a faculty of higher education (in the year of receiving the higher education) or a copy of the employment record (certified by the personnel department at the place of work) or other documents attesting to the length of service.

 8. List and copies of published scientific works, or in their absence - scientific paper on the profile of the chosen specialty.



Form of the list of works:___________________________________________________


 (copies are attached)                                                   (фамилия, имя, отчество)



Publication name

Type (article, thesis of the report, report, patent etc.)













__________________________________                                                ______________

         (name, surname)                                                                               (signature)


9. Documents confirming participation in research and innovation projects, copies of papers and (or) abstracts of papers at scientific, scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposia and other similar events (if available).

10. Documents giving priority for admission to postgraduate studies (if any).

11. Three photos (two photos (4 x 6 cm) and one photo (3 x 4 cm)).

12. A medical certificate attesting to the state of health and the possibility of postgraduate studies in a chosen field of study.

The documents are presented in person.


If you have any questions, please contact us at 8(0222)64-86-91;


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